Are You Raising an Average Child?

Quesera sera

Everyone has heard the song Quesera. However, have you actually listened to the song? Do we teach our children that what will be will be? On the other hand, do we raise our children to take charge of their own future?

What does the future hold for our children? This we definitely cannot see. However, what are you doing to prepare them for this on unseen future?

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother what will I be
Will I be pretty will I be rich
Here’s what she said to me

What will be will be, if we let it be

As you look towards the future, are you focused on preparing your child for external achievements such as positions, titles, awards, name, rank, status, wealth, fame and other accomplishments? Or are you preparing them for that internal greatness that is only achieved by the few that has to do with your child’s character, passion, ingenuity, creativeness and usefulness to society.

Let me ask these quick questions. What is your memory of Steve Jobs? When you think Bill Gates, what are the first things that come to mind? How about Gandhi, Lincoln, or the other people, that have made a difference to the world? We remember these folks for who they are or were, and not by what they owned or achieved.

What Future do You envision for your Child?

As you raise your child, do you think in terms of how many degrees or certificates he/she will attain? Do you envision the cubicle or office space they will be working out from? Do you envision them living paycheck to paycheck?

What will be shouldn’t be, as long as we raise our children to play their game.  Teach your children to live through life, versus life living through them.

Que Sera Sera
Whatever will be will be
The future’s not ours to see
Que Sera Sera
What will be will be

As catchy as the song is, what will be, is what we make it to be. The future is not ours to see, but we can create what the future will be. We cannot do anything with what we have been dealt, since this is beyond our control, but our beginnings should not define us. What we do here on out is what defines us. Nevertheless, how are you preparing your child for what will be? How are you ensuring that your child will be the best that they would be and not average?

Quesera sera? I think not.