Hero To Human


Hero or Zero

Imagine, in a few years, your child will receive recognition as one of the superstars in Sports, Entertainment, Arts or Science. Imagine the acclaims, accolades, fame and fortune that follow.  Imagine all the children that will look up to your child as a hero, someone to emulate. Imagine your pride, your smile, and your joy, come crashing down when it is announced that your child is a Fraud masquerading as a Hero.

While we are rewarded with news of heroes who are worthy of emulation, we are also inundated with news of those we considered heroes turning out to be human after all. This is prevalent in sports and entertainment where the light of fame shines brightest. Many perceived heroes have fallen from grace. Lance Armstrong, Melky Cabrera, Joe Paterno, are some of the most recent Hero to Human casualties.

Your Child will be Great

Your children shall receive their reward for their many skills and abilities. How do I know this? I know this because you are going to prepare them for the future in a particular way. You are going to teach them how to follow their passion and find an expression for it. The question is not whether your child will be successful, because he/she will be. The question is what type of core values or heart principles you will infuse in your child so that he remains a hero to the one or million that would be looking up to him.

Your Child will grow from being Human to being a Hero

Now, once again, imagine in a few years, your child is recognized as one of the superstars in Sports, Entertainment, Arts or Science. Imagine the acclaims, accolades, fame and fortune that follow.  Imagine also all the children that look up to your child as a hero, someone to emulate. Imagine your pride, your smile, your joy as your child does not disappoint, but remains the hero he really is.

How do you ensure that your child or you remain a Hero?

  • Be You
  • Be your own counsel
  • Rediscover your passion
  • Be Decisive
  • Make mistakes, but only once
  • Be no one’s judge
  • Finish

Teach your child to play his game by being the best him he can be. This starts from the child recognizing, not his differences, but his uniqueness. Teach your child to be his own counsel by listening to his inner voice. He should not be afraid of making mistakes as long as he is driven by what he is passionate about. Most importantly, he must finish what he starts. He must complete whatever he sets out to accomplish.